Paul Garrett is a PhD candidate at the University of Newcastle, Australia and a visiting academic at the University of Melbourne. Paul studies cognitive psychology and human decsion making from the perspectives of psychophysics, computational modelling and systems analysis.
During his PhD, Paul used R, Python and Matlab to develop mathematical tools and models to diagnose changes in the processing structure and efficiency of cognitive systems (e.g., the visual system). Paul has created educational materials for undergraduate and graduate students, teaching on topics including scientific writing, statistics, coding, professional development, and cognitive psychology.
Paul is passionate about scientific communication, education and mentorship. He is a strong supporter of open science (data, code and publications), and aims to make his work and resources readily available to other scientists and the wider public.
This site hosts and links academic materials that Paul has made to help other students and academics. These resources include presentations, teaching materials, code and papers.
To contact Paul please email paulgarrett2016@gmail.com or find him on twitter @PaulMGarrett To see his latest work, check his Google Scholar profile or find him at Research Gate.