Paul Garrett has been involved in a recent international effort to examine the social licence to introduce mobile tracing technologies to combat the spread of COVID-19. This work has generated several media releases that are catalogued here.
Press releases
Dennis, White, Garrett, Little, Perfors, Kashima, & Lewandowsky (2020). Are Australians willing to accept technologies to track the contacts of people who have tested positive to COVID19?. 08-04-2020.
White, Garrett, Dennis, Little, Perfors, Kashima, & Lewandowsky (2020). Do Australians support ‘Immunity Passports’ in response to the COVID-19 pandemic?. 20-04-2020.
Dennis, White, Garrett, Little, Perfors, Kashima, & Lewandowsky (2020). 73% of Australians say they would use a government COVID-19 contact tracing app. 21-04-2020.
Garrett, White, Dennis, Little, Perfors, Kashima, & Lewandowsky (2020). Attitudes of Australians to the Government’s COVIDSafe contact tracing app. 08-05-2020.
White, Garrett, Dennis, Little, Perfors, Kashima, & Lewandowsky (2020). Decreasing support for immunity passports amongst Australians, but this depends on age. 13-05-2020.
Dennis, Garrett, White, Perfors, Little, Mitchell, Geard, & Lewandowsky (2020). 70% of people surveyed said they’d download a coronavirus app. Only 44% did. Why the gap? 15-05-2020.
Garrett, White, Dennis, Little, Perfors, Geard, Mitchell, Kashima, Lewandowsky. Unchanging attitudes of Australians to the COVIDSafe contact tracing app 14-07-2020